
Modoosone pursues transparent , fair and reasonable work practices We aim to be a company that goes the right way.

  • Ethical responsibility

    It is the responsibility of the company to act in accordance with society's interests, expectations, standards and values.

  • Legal liability

    Responsibility for the social order prescribed by law. Legal responsibility as an administrative responsibility is the responsibility of the administrative or administrative organization to perform its duties in accordance with laws and regulations.

  • Economic responsibility

    Responsibility to develop the national economy by providing the necessary goods and services for the country, increasing the employment of members of the society and reinvesting the profits from the business.

  • Charitable responsibility

    It means to carry out voluntary responsibility of company, that is, fulfill responsibility as social member through cultural activities, donation, volunteer activities

1. Comply with law and ethics.

  • respect individual dignity and diversity.
  • Compete fairly in accordance with law and commercial honor.

    We comply with laws and regulations of the national and local communities, respect the market competition order and compete in a fair way. It does not take unfair advantage in a fraudulent way off the top. In business activities, we do not exchange gifts, bribes, or entertainment.

  • Maintain transparency in accounting through accurate accounting records.

    Accurately records and manages all transactions of the Company to ensure that all stakeholders understand objectively their business activities and comply with accounting regulations and internationally accepted accounting standards. And disclose important management information such as financial changes of the company and corporate information as stipulated by law.

  • We does not intervene in politics and remain neutral.

    Respect individual political rights and decision, but we are not involved in political activities within the company. We do not use our funds, personnel, or facilities for political purposes. We do not provide illegal donations or other goods.

2. Maintain a clean organizational culture.

  • Strictly separate class from all business activities.

    If there is a conflict between the interests of the company and the individual, the legal interests of the company shall be prioritized. It does not enjoy private interests by using the property of the company and its position, and does not engage in any illegal activities such as embezzlement or usefulness of company assets. Do not trade securities such as trading of stocks using information acquired in the course of business.

  • Protect and respect the intellectual property of the company and others.

    The intellectual property and confidential information inside will not be leaked to the outside without prior permission or approval. We respect the intellectual property of others and do not commit any unauthorized use such as unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, change.

  • Create a healthy organizational atmosphere.

    Do not engage in sexual harassment, monetary transactions, violence, They do not form factions or organize private organizations that create discomfort in the organization. Establish labor-management relations based on mutual trust and good communication.

3. As a global corporate citizen, we fulfill our social responsibilities.